Armed Forces Nursing Service (AFNS) Jobs


Join Pakistan Army in Armed Forces Nursing Service (AFNS) ENTRY 2020 / 2021

Eligibility Conditions

Qualification / Age

Type of Commission Qualification Age
AFNS – BSc Nursing Matric with Science – 60% Marks Minimum
F.Sc (Pre-medical) – 50% Marks Minimum
17-25 years as on 31 December 2020 
Trained Nurse as Lieutenant (Female) Nursing Diploma and Midwifery.
B.Sc Generic Nursing.
Post (RN) BSc Nursing
18-28 years as on 30 November 2020 

Note for BSc Nursing

Appearing candidates in FSc Part-II examination (having 50% marks in 1st year) may apply with HOPE certificate duly signed by the Principal of concerned college/ institution for attaining 50% marks. On declaration of Part-II result, candidates should submit F.Sc marks sheet immediately.

Note for Trained Nurse

  • A candidate should be registered with Pakistan Nursing Council (PNC).
  •  Preference will be given to qualified post basic specialized courses i.e ICU, OT, CCU etc from a hospital/ institute recognized by Pakistan Nursing Council (PNC).

Marital Status

BSs Nursing: Female unmarried/ widow/ separated/ divorcee without encumbrances.

Trained Nurses: Married/ Unmarried.


Citizens of Pakistan and domicile holders of Azad Kashmir/ Gilgit-Baltistan. Upon final selection candidates with dual nationality will have to surrender nationality other than Pakistani.

Physical Standards

Minimum Height – 5’ Feet (152.4 cm)
Weight – As per the Body Mass Index (MBI)

Ineligibility Conditions

  • Twice rejected by the General Headquarter Selection Board.
  • Declared Medically Unfit by Appeal Medical Board.
  • Individual withdrawn/ resigned/ discharged from Armed Forces (Army, Navy and Air Force) training academies/ institution on the ground of discipline, characters, medical inefficiency, weak profile or declared unsuitable.
  • Individual dismissed/ removed from any other government service.
  • For B.Sc Nursing only – candidates already registered with Pakistan Nursing Council.
  • Convicted by a Court of Law for an offence involving moral turpitude.

Registration And Preliminary Selection Procedure. Candidates can either register through Internet or by visiting Army Selection and Recruitment Centres (AS&RCs).
Following procedure will be adopted:-

Registration Through Internet. A candidate Can register on website Date and time of test shall be intimated on individual’s e-mail address. Candidates will report on date and time given for preliminary test on computerized roll number slip. Date once given will not be changed. Candidates will also bring along documents mentioned in para 6 and will pay prospectus fee on the day of test. Candidates must attain working knowledge of computer.

Registration at Army Selection and Recruitment Centres. The candidates may report at nearest Army Selection and Recruitment Centre for registration/ allotment of roll number along with necessary documents mentioned in para 6 and the prospectus fee for completion of registration formalities. The candidates will bring these documents on the day of test as well.

Selection Of Registration / Preliminary Test. Registration and preliminary test will be held as per the following schedule :-

Registration: 17 August 2020 to 16 September 2020

Preliminary Tests including Written / Intelligence / Personality: • Keep visiting for exam slip.
• Exact date of exam will be printed on your exam slip/ Roll No slip.

Preliminary Medical Test. The candidates will undergo initial medical test at Army Selection and Recruitment Centres.

Further Selection. Interviews of successful candidates by the General Headquarter Selection Board will be held at Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Lahore, Multan, Karachi and Quetta for which separate call up letters will be issued. Successful candidates will receive call up notices for interview. The final selection will be made at General Headquarter on the basis of candidate’s overall performance.

Training Period
B.Sc Nursing – 4 x Years Training at AFPGMI Rawalpindi, CMH Lahore, CMH Kharian, CMH Multan, CMH Quetta and PNS Shifa Karachi
Trained Nurses – 6 x Weeks Basic Military Training at AFPGMI Rawalpindi and CMH Kharian.

Note: On completion of successful training, shall be granted Commission in the rank of Lieutenant.

Documents Required at Army Selection and Recruitment Centres. Candidates will deposit following documents with Army Selection and Recruitment Centres:-

  • Original certificates/ documents/ detailed marks sheets alongwith two attested photocopies of each educational certificate/ degree.
  • Candidates serving in Government’s institutions/ departments will render No Objection Certificate (NOC) of the concerned establishment.
  • Attested photocopy of domicile.
  • Photocopies of computerized National Identity Card.
  • 3 x Coloured photos duly attested (front & back).
  • Crossed postal order of Rs. 100/- in favour of Director General Personnel Administration (DGPA), General Headquarter Rawalpindi.

Bond. Finally selected candidates will be required to sign a bond to serve the Pak Army for minimum period of ten years for B.Sc Nursing before the commencement of training.


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